
arviz.load_arviz_data(dataset=None, data_home=None, regex=False, **kwargs)[source]#

Load a local or remote pre-made dataset.

Run with no parameters to get a list of all available models.

The directory to save to can also be set with the environment variable ARVIZ_HOME. The checksum of the dataset is checked against a hardcoded value to watch for data corruption.

Run az.clear_data_home to clear the data directory.


Name of dataset to load.

data_homestr, optional

Where to save remote datasets

regexbool, optional

Specifies regex support for chunking information in arviz.from_netcdf(). This feature is currently experimental.

**kwargsdict of {str: dict}, optional

Keyword arguments to be passed to arviz.from_netcdf(). This feature is currently experimental.
