
arviz.plot_elpd(compare_dict, color='C0', xlabels=False, figsize=None, textsize=None, coords=None, legend=False, threshold=None, ax=None, ic=None, scale=None, plot_kwargs=None, backend=None, backend_kwargs=None, show=None)[source]

Plot pointwise elpd differences between two or more models.

compare_dictmapping, str -> ELPDData or InferenceData

A dictionary mapping the model name to the object containing inference data or the result of loo/waic functions. Refer to az.convert_to_inference_data for details on possible dict items

colorstr or array_like, optional

Colors of the scatter plot, if color is a str all dots will have the same color, if it is the size of the observations, each dot will have the specified color, otherwise, it will be interpreted as a list of the dims to be used for the color code

xlabelsbool, optional

Use coords as xticklabels

figsizefigure size tuple, optional

If None, size is (8 + numvars, 8 + numvars)

textsize: int, optional

Text size for labels. If None it will be autoscaled based on figsize.

coordsmapping, optional

Coordinates of points to plot. All values are used for computation, but only a a subset can be plotted for convenience.

legendbool, optional

Include a legend to the plot. Only taken into account when color argument is a dim name.


If some elpd difference is larger than threshold * elpd.std(), show its label. If None, no observations will be highlighted.

icstr, optional

Information Criterion (PSIS-LOO loo, WAIC waic) used to compare models. Defaults to rcParams["stats.information_criterion"]. Only taken into account when input is InferenceData.

scalestr, optional

scale argument passed to az.loo or az.waic, see their docs for details. Only taken into account when input is InferenceData.

plot_kwargsdicts, optional

Additional keywords passed to ax.scatter

ax: axes, optional

Matplotlib axes or bokeh figures.

backend: str, optional

Select plotting backend {“matplotlib”,”bokeh”}. Default “matplotlib”.

backend_kwargs: bool, optional

These are kwargs specific to the backend being used. For additional documentation check the plotting method of the backend.

showbool, optional

Call backend show function.

axesmatplotlib axes or bokeh figures


Compare pointwise PSIS-LOO for centered and non centered models of the 8-schools problem using matplotlib.

>>> import arviz as az
>>> idata1 = az.load_arviz_data("centered_eight")
>>> idata2 = az.load_arviz_data("non_centered_eight")
>>> az.plot_elpd(
>>>     {"centered model": idata1, "non centered model": idata2},
>>>     xlabels=True
>>> )
import arviz as az
idata1 = az.load_arviz_data("centered_eight")
idata2 = az.load_arviz_data("non_centered_eight")
    {"centered model": idata1, "non centered model": idata2},