
InferenceData.rename(name_dict=None, groups=None, filter_groups=None, inplace=False)[source]

Perform xarray renaming of variable and dimensions on all groups.

Loops groups to perform Dataset.rename(name_dict) for every key in name_dict if key is a dimension/data_vars of the dataset. The renaming is performed on all relevant groups (like posterior, prior, sample stats) while non relevant groups like observed data are omitted. See xarray.Dataset.rename()

name_dict: dict

Dictionary whose keys are current variable or dimension names and whose values are the desired names.

groups: str or list of str, optional

Groups where the selection is to be applied. Can either be group names or metagroup names.

filter_groups: {None, “like”, “regex”}, optional, default=None

If None (default), interpret groups as the real group or metagroup names. If “like”, interpret groups as substrings of the real group or metagroup names. If “regex”, interpret groups as regular expressions on the real group or metagroup names. A la pandas.filter.

inplace: bool, optional

If True, modify the InferenceData object inplace, otherwise, return the modified copy.


A new InferenceData object by default. When inplace==True perform renaming in-place and return None

See also


Returns a new object with renamed variables and dimensions.


Perform xarray renaming of variable or coordinate names on all groups of an InferenceData object.


Perform xarray renaming of dimensions on all groups of InferenceData object.


Use rename to renaming of variable and dimensions on all groups of the InferenceData object. We first check the original object:

In [1]: import arviz as az
   ...: idata = az.load_arviz_data("rugby")
   ...: idata
Inference data with groups:
	> posterior
	> posterior_predictive
	> sample_stats
	> prior
	> observed_data

In order to rename the dimensions and variable, we use:

In [2]: idata.rename({"team": "team_new", "match":"match_new"}, inplace=True)
   ...: idata
Inference data with groups:
	> posterior
	> posterior_predictive
	> sample_stats
	> prior
	> observed_data