Source code for arviz.plots.loopitplot

"""Plot LOO-PIT predictive checks of inference data."""
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats

from ..labels import BaseLabeller
from ..rcparams import rcParams
from ..stats import loo_pit as _loo_pit
from ..stats.density_utils import kde
from .plot_utils import get_plotting_function

[docs]def plot_loo_pit( idata=None, y=None, y_hat=None, log_weights=None, ecdf=False, ecdf_fill=True, n_unif=100, use_hdi=False, hdi_prob=None, figsize=None, textsize=None, labeller=None, color="C0", legend=True, ax=None, plot_kwargs=None, plot_unif_kwargs=None, hdi_kwargs=None, fill_kwargs=None, backend=None, backend_kwargs=None, show=None, ): """Plot Leave-One-Out (LOO) probability integral transformation (PIT) predictive checks. Parameters ---------- idata : InferenceData :class:`arviz.InferenceData` object. y : array, DataArray or str Observed data. If str, ``idata`` must be present and contain the observed data group y_hat : array, DataArray or str Posterior predictive samples for ``y``. It must have the same shape as y plus an extra dimension at the end of size n_samples (chains and draws stacked). If str or None, ``idata`` must contain the posterior predictive group. If None, ``y_hat`` is taken equal to y, thus, y must be str too. log_weights : array or DataArray Smoothed log_weights. It must have the same shape as ``y_hat`` ecdf : bool, optional Plot the difference between the LOO-PIT Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function (ECDF) and the uniform CDF instead of LOO-PIT kde. In this case, instead of overlaying uniform distributions, the beta ``hdi_prob`` around the theoretical uniform CDF is shown. This approximation only holds for large S and ECDF values not very close to 0 nor 1. For more information, see `Vehtari et al. (2019)`, `Appendix G <>`_. ecdf_fill : bool, optional Use :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.fill_between` to mark the area inside the credible interval. Otherwise, plot the border lines. n_unif : int, optional Number of datasets to simulate and overlay from the uniform distribution. use_hdi : bool, optional Compute expected hdi values instead of overlaying the sampled uniform distributions. hdi_prob : float, optional Probability for the highest density interval. Works with ``use_hdi=True`` or ``ecdf=True``. figsize : figure size tuple, optional If None, size is (8 + numvars, 8 + numvars) textsize: int, optional Text size for labels. If None it will be autoscaled based on ``figsize``. labeller : labeller instance, optional Class providing the method ``make_pp_label`` to generate the labels in the plot titles. Read the :ref:`label_guide` for more details and usage examples. color : str or array_like, optional Color of the LOO-PIT estimated pdf plot. If ``plot_unif_kwargs`` has no "color" key, a slightly lighter color than this argument will be used for the uniform kde lines. This will ensure that LOO-PIT kde and uniform kde have different default colors. legend : bool, optional Show the legend of the figure. ax: axes, optional Matplotlib axes or bokeh figures. plot_kwargs : dict, optional Additional keywords passed to :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot` for LOO-PIT line (kde or ECDF) plot_unif_kwargs : dict, optional Additional keywords passed to :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot` for overlaid uniform distributions or for beta credible interval lines if ``ecdf=True`` hdi_kwargs : dict, optional Additional keywords passed to :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.axhspan` fill_kwargs : dict, optional Additional kwargs passed to :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.fill_between` backend: str, optional Select plotting backend {"matplotlib","bokeh"}. Default "matplotlib". backend_kwargs: bool, optional These are kwargs specific to the backend being used, passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.subplots` or :func:`bokeh.plotting.figure`. For additional documentation check the plotting method of the backend. show : bool, optional Call backend show function. Returns ------- axes : matplotlib axes or bokeh figures See Also -------- plot_bpv : Plot Bayesian p-value for observed data and Posterior/Prior predictive. loo_pit : Compute leave one out (PSIS-LOO) probability integral transform (PIT) values. References ---------- * Gabry et al. (2017) see * * Gelman et al. BDA (2014) Section 6.3 Examples -------- Plot LOO-PIT predictive checks overlaying the KDE of the LOO-PIT values to several realizations of uniform variable sampling with the same number of observations. .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> import arviz as az >>> idata = az.load_arviz_data("radon") >>> az.plot_loo_pit(idata=idata, y="y") Fill the area containing the 94% highest density interval of the difference between uniform variables empirical CDF and the real uniform CDF. A LOO-PIT ECDF clearly outside of these theoretical boundaries indicates that the observations and the posterior predictive samples do not follow the same distribution. .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> az.plot_loo_pit(idata=idata, y="y", ecdf=True) """ if ecdf and use_hdi: raise ValueError("use_hdi is incompatible with ecdf plot") if labeller is None: labeller = BaseLabeller() loo_pit = _loo_pit(idata=idata, y=y, y_hat=y_hat, log_weights=log_weights) loo_pit = loo_pit.flatten() if isinstance(loo_pit, np.ndarray) else loo_pit.values.flatten() loo_pit_ecdf = None unif_ecdf = None p975 = None p025 = None loo_pit_kde = None hdi_odds = None unif = None x_vals = None if hdi_prob is None: hdi_prob = rcParams["stats.hdi_prob"] else: if not 1 >= hdi_prob > 0: raise ValueError("The value of hdi_prob should be in the interval (0, 1]") if ecdf: loo_pit.sort() n_data_points = loo_pit.size loo_pit_ecdf = np.arange(n_data_points) / n_data_points # ideal unnormalized ECDF of uniform distribution with n_data_points points # it is used indistinctively as x or p(u<x) because for u~U(0,1) they are equal unif_ecdf = np.arange(n_data_points + 1) p975 = stats.beta.ppf(0.5 + hdi_prob / 2, unif_ecdf + 1, n_data_points - unif_ecdf + 1) p025 = stats.beta.ppf(0.5 - hdi_prob / 2, unif_ecdf + 1, n_data_points - unif_ecdf + 1) unif_ecdf = unif_ecdf / n_data_points else: x_vals, loo_pit_kde = kde(loo_pit) unif = np.random.uniform(size=(n_unif, loo_pit.size)) if use_hdi: n_obs = loo_pit.size hdi_ = stats.beta(n_obs / 2, n_obs / 2).ppf((1 - hdi_prob) / 2) hdi_odds = (hdi_ / (1 - hdi_), (1 - hdi_) / hdi_) loo_pit_kwargs = dict( ax=ax, figsize=figsize, ecdf=ecdf, loo_pit=loo_pit, loo_pit_ecdf=loo_pit_ecdf, unif_ecdf=unif_ecdf, p975=p975, p025=p025, fill_kwargs=fill_kwargs, ecdf_fill=ecdf_fill, use_hdi=use_hdi, x_vals=x_vals, hdi_kwargs=hdi_kwargs, hdi_odds=hdi_odds, n_unif=n_unif, unif=unif, plot_unif_kwargs=plot_unif_kwargs, loo_pit_kde=loo_pit_kde, textsize=textsize, labeller=labeller, color=color, legend=legend, y_hat=y_hat, y=y, hdi_prob=hdi_prob, plot_kwargs=plot_kwargs, backend_kwargs=backend_kwargs, show=show, ) if backend is None: backend = rcParams["plot.backend"] backend = backend.lower() # TODO: Add backend kwargs plot = get_plotting_function("plot_loo_pit", "loopitplot", backend) axes = plot(**loo_pit_kwargs) return axes