Source code for

"""Input and output support for data."""

from .io_dict import from_dict

    import ujson as json
except ImportError:
    # Can't find ujson using json
    # mypy struggles with conditional imports expressed as catching ImportError:
    import json  # type: ignore

[docs]def from_json(filename): """Initialize object from a json file. Will use the faster `ujson` ( if it is available. Parameters ---------- filename : str location of json file Returns ------- InferenceData object """ with open(filename, "rb") as file: idata_dict = json.load(file) return from_dict(**idata_dict, save_warmup=True)
def to_json(idata, filename): """Save dataset as a json file. Will use the faster `ujson` ( if it is available. WARNING: Only idempotent in case `idata` is InferenceData. Parameters ---------- idata : InferenceData Object to be saved filename : str name or path of the file to load trace Returns ------- str filename saved to """ file_name = idata.to_json(filename) return file_name