################## Installation guide ################## This section provides detailed information about installing ArviZ. Most ArviZ functionality is available with the basic requirements, but ArviZ also has optional dependencies to further enhance the library. This guide will cover both basic and fully-fledged ArviZ installs and several installation methods. ****** Stable ****** ArviZ can be installed either using pip or conda-forge. Using pip ========= .. code:: bash pip install arviz Use the below pip command to install ArviZ with all of its :ref:`Optional-dependencies`. .. code:: bash pip install "arviz[all]" Using conda-forge ================= .. code:: bash conda install -c conda-forge arviz .. _dev-version: *********** Development *********** If you want to install the latest development version of ArviZ, use the following command: .. code:: bash pip install git+https://github.com/arviz-devs/arviz **Note**: It can take sometime to execute depending upon your internet connection. .. _arviz-dependencies: ************ Dependencies ************ Required dependencies ===================== The required dependencies for installing ArviZ are: .. literalinclude:: ../../../requirements.txt and .. code:: python>=3.8 ArviZ follows `NEP 29 `_ and `SPEC 0 `_ to choose the minimum supported versions. .. _Optional-dependencies: Optional dependencies ===================== The list of optional dependencies to further enhance ArviZ is given below. .. literalinclude:: ../../../requirements-optional.txt - Numba Necessary to speed up the code computation. The installation details can be found `here `_. Further details on enhanced functionality provided in ArviZ by Numba can be :ref:`found here `. - Bokeh Necessary for creating advanced interactive visualisations. The Bokeh installation guide can be found `over here `_. - UltraJSON If available, ArviZ makes use of faster ujson when :func:`arviz.from_json` is invoked. UltraJSON can be either installed via `pip `_ or `conda `_. - Dask Necessary to scale the packages and the surrounding ecosystem. The installation details can be found `at this link `_.