Source code for arviz.stats.stats_utils

"""Stats-utility functions for ArviZ."""
import warnings
from import Sequence
from copy import copy as _copy
from copy import deepcopy as _deepcopy

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.fftpack import next_fast_len
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
from scipy.stats.mstats import mquantiles
from xarray import apply_ufunc

from .. import _log
from ..utils import conditional_jit, conditional_vect, conditional_dask
from .density_utils import histogram as _histogram

__all__ = ["autocorr", "autocov", "ELPDData", "make_ufunc", "wrap_xarray_ufunc"]

[docs]def autocov(ary, axis=-1): """Compute autocovariance estimates for every lag for the input array. Parameters ---------- ary : Numpy array An array containing MCMC samples Returns ------- acov: Numpy array same size as the input array """ axis = axis if axis > 0 else len(ary.shape) + axis n = ary.shape[axis] m = next_fast_len(2 * n) ary = ary - ary.mean(axis, keepdims=True) # added to silence tuple warning for a submodule with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") ifft_ary = np.fft.rfft(ary, n=m, axis=axis) ifft_ary *= np.conjugate(ifft_ary) shape = tuple( slice(None) if dim_len != axis else slice(0, n) for dim_len, _ in enumerate(ary.shape) ) cov = np.fft.irfft(ifft_ary, n=m, axis=axis)[shape] cov /= n return cov
[docs]def autocorr(ary, axis=-1): """Compute autocorrelation using FFT for every lag for the input array. See Parameters ---------- ary : Numpy array An array containing MCMC samples Returns ------- acorr: Numpy array same size as the input array """ corr = autocov(ary, axis=axis) axis = axis = axis if axis > 0 else len(corr.shape) + axis norm = tuple( slice(None, None) if dim != axis else slice(None, 1) for dim, _ in enumerate(corr.shape) ) with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"): corr /= corr[norm] return corr
[docs]def make_ufunc( func, n_dims=2, n_output=1, n_input=1, index=Ellipsis, ravel=True, check_shape=None ): # noqa: D202 """Make ufunc from a function taking 1D array input. Parameters ---------- func : callable n_dims : int, optional Number of core dimensions not broadcasted. Dimensions are skipped from the end. At minimum n_dims > 0. n_output : int, optional Select number of results returned by `func`. If n_output > 1, ufunc returns a tuple of objects else returns an object. n_input : int, optional Number of **array** inputs to func, i.e. ``n_input=2`` means that func is called with ``func(ary1, ary2, *args, **kwargs)`` index : int, optional Slice ndarray with `index`. Defaults to `Ellipsis`. ravel : bool, optional If true, ravel the ndarray before calling `func`. check_shape: bool, optional If false, do not check if the shape of the output is compatible with n_dims and n_output. By default, True only for n_input=1. If n_input is larger than 1, the last input array is used to check the shape, however, shape checking with multiple inputs may not be correct. Returns ------- callable ufunc wrapper for `func`. """ if n_dims < 1: raise TypeError("n_dims must be one or higher.") if n_input == 1 and check_shape is None: check_shape = True elif check_shape is None: check_shape = False def _ufunc(*args, out=None, out_shape=None, **kwargs): """General ufunc for single-output function.""" arys = args[:n_input] n_dims_out = None if out is None: if out_shape is None: out = np.empty(arys[-1].shape[:-n_dims]) else: out = np.empty((*arys[-1].shape[:-n_dims], *out_shape)) n_dims_out = -len(out_shape) elif check_shape: if out.shape != arys[-1].shape[:-n_dims]: msg = f"Shape incorrect for `out`: {out.shape}." msg += f" Correct shape is {arys[-1].shape[:-n_dims]}" raise TypeError(msg) for idx in np.ndindex(out.shape[:n_dims_out]): arys_idx = [ary[idx].ravel() if ravel else ary[idx] for ary in arys] out[idx] = np.asarray(func(*arys_idx, *args[n_input:], **kwargs))[index] return out def _multi_ufunc(*args, out=None, out_shape=None, **kwargs): """General ufunc for multi-output function.""" arys = args[:n_input] element_shape = arys[-1].shape[:-n_dims] if out is None: if out_shape is None: out = tuple(np.empty(element_shape) for _ in range(n_output)) else: out = tuple(np.empty((*element_shape, *out_shape[i])) for i in range(n_output)) elif check_shape: raise_error = False correct_shape = tuple(element_shape for _ in range(n_output)) if isinstance(out, tuple): out_shape = tuple(item.shape for item in out) if out_shape != correct_shape: raise_error = True else: raise_error = True out_shape = "not tuple, type={type(out)}" if raise_error: msg = f"Shapes incorrect for `out`: {out_shape}." msg += f" Correct shapes are {correct_shape}" raise TypeError(msg) for idx in np.ndindex(element_shape): arys_idx = [ary[idx].ravel() if ravel else ary[idx] for ary in arys] results = func(*arys_idx, *args[n_input:], **kwargs) for i, res in enumerate(results): out[i][idx] = np.asarray(res)[index] return out if n_output > 1: ufunc = _multi_ufunc else: ufunc = _ufunc update_docstring(ufunc, func, n_output) return ufunc
[docs]@conditional_dask def wrap_xarray_ufunc( ufunc, *datasets, ufunc_kwargs=None, func_args=None, func_kwargs=None, dask_kwargs=None, **kwargs, ): """Wrap make_ufunc with xarray.apply_ufunc. Parameters ---------- ufunc : callable datasets : xarray.dataset ufunc_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to `make_ufunc`. - 'n_dims', int, by default 2 - 'n_output', int, by default 1 - 'n_input', int, by default len(datasets) - 'index', slice, by default Ellipsis - 'ravel', bool, by default True func_args : tuple Arguments passed to 'ufunc'. func_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to 'ufunc'. - 'out_shape', int, by default None dask_kwargs : dict Dask related kwargs passed to :func:`xarray:xarray.apply_ufunc`. Use :meth:`~arviz.Dask.enable_dask` to set default kwargs. **kwargs Passed to xarray.apply_ufunc. Returns ------- xarray.dataset """ if ufunc_kwargs is None: ufunc_kwargs = {} ufunc_kwargs.setdefault("n_input", len(datasets)) if func_args is None: func_args = tuple() if func_kwargs is None: func_kwargs = {} if dask_kwargs is None: dask_kwargs = {} kwargs.setdefault( "input_core_dims", tuple(("chain", "draw") for _ in range(len(func_args) + len(datasets))) ) ufunc_kwargs.setdefault("n_dims", len(kwargs["input_core_dims"][-1])) kwargs.setdefault("output_core_dims", tuple([] for _ in range(ufunc_kwargs.get("n_output", 1)))) callable_ufunc = make_ufunc(ufunc, **ufunc_kwargs) return apply_ufunc( callable_ufunc, *datasets, *func_args, kwargs=func_kwargs, **dask_kwargs, **kwargs )
def update_docstring(ufunc, func, n_output=1): """Update ArviZ generated ufunc docstring.""" module = "" name = "" docstring = "" if hasattr(func, "__module__") and isinstance(func.__module__, str): module += func.__module__ if hasattr(func, "__name__"): name += func.__name__ if hasattr(func, "__doc__") and isinstance(func.__doc__, str): docstring += func.__doc__ ufunc.__doc__ += "\n\n" if module or name: ufunc.__doc__ += "This function is a ufunc wrapper for " ufunc.__doc__ += module + "." + name ufunc.__doc__ += "\n" ufunc.__doc__ += 'Call ufunc with n_args from xarray against "chain" and "draw" dimensions:' ufunc.__doc__ += "\n\n" input_core_dims = 'tuple(("chain", "draw") for _ in range(n_args))' if n_output > 1: output_core_dims = f" tuple([] for _ in range({n_output}))" msg = f"xr.apply_ufunc(ufunc, dataset, input_core_dims={input_core_dims}, " msg += f"output_core_dims={ output_core_dims})" ufunc.__doc__ += msg else: output_core_dims = "" msg = f"xr.apply_ufunc(ufunc, dataset, input_core_dims={input_core_dims})" ufunc.__doc__ += msg ufunc.__doc__ += "\n\n" ufunc.__doc__ += "For example: np.std(data, ddof=1) --> n_args=2" if docstring: ufunc.__doc__ += "\n\n" ufunc.__doc__ += module ufunc.__doc__ += name ufunc.__doc__ += " docstring:" ufunc.__doc__ += "\n\n" ufunc.__doc__ += docstring def logsumexp(ary, *, b=None, b_inv=None, axis=None, keepdims=False, out=None, copy=True): """Stable logsumexp when b >= 0 and b is scalar. b_inv overwrites b unless b_inv is None. """ # check dimensions for result arrays ary = np.asarray(ary) if ary.dtype.kind == "i": ary = ary.astype(np.float64) dtype = ary.dtype.type shape = ary.shape shape_len = len(shape) if isinstance(axis, Sequence): axis = tuple(axis_i if axis_i >= 0 else shape_len + axis_i for axis_i in axis) agroup = axis else: axis = axis if (axis is None) or (axis >= 0) else shape_len + axis agroup = (axis,) shape_max = ( tuple(1 for _ in shape) if axis is None else tuple(1 if i in agroup else d for i, d in enumerate(shape)) ) # create result arrays if out is None: if not keepdims: out_shape = ( tuple() if axis is None else tuple(d for i, d in enumerate(shape) if i not in agroup) ) else: out_shape = shape_max out = np.empty(out_shape, dtype=dtype) if b_inv == 0: return np.full_like(out, np.inf, dtype=dtype) if out.shape else np.inf if b_inv is None and b == 0: return np.full_like(out, -np.inf) if out.shape else -np.inf ary_max = np.empty(shape_max, dtype=dtype) # calculations ary.max(axis=axis, keepdims=True, out=ary_max) if copy: ary = ary.copy() ary -= ary_max np.exp(ary, out=ary) ary.sum(axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims, out=out) np.log(out, out=out) if b_inv is not None: ary_max -= np.log(b_inv) elif b: ary_max += np.log(b) out += ary_max.squeeze() if not keepdims else ary_max # transform to scalar if possible return out if out.shape else dtype(out) def quantile(ary, q, axis=None, limit=None): """Use same quantile function as R (Type 7).""" if limit is None: limit = tuple() return mquantiles(ary, q, alphap=1, betap=1, axis=axis, limit=limit) def not_valid(ary, check_nan=True, check_shape=True, nan_kwargs=None, shape_kwargs=None): """Validate ndarray. Parameters ---------- ary : numpy.ndarray check_nan : bool Check if any value contains NaN. check_shape : bool Check if array has correct shape. Assumes dimensions in order (chain, draw, *shape). For 1D arrays (shape = (n,)) assumes chain equals 1. nan_kwargs : dict Valid kwargs are: axis : int, Defaults to None. how : str, {"all", "any"} Default to "any". shape_kwargs : dict Valid kwargs are: min_chains : int Defaults to 1. min_draws : int Defaults to 4. Returns ------- bool """ ary = np.asarray(ary) nan_error = False draw_error = False chain_error = False if check_nan: if nan_kwargs is None: nan_kwargs = {} isnan = np.isnan(ary) axis = nan_kwargs.get("axis", None) if nan_kwargs.get("how", "any").lower() == "all": nan_error = isnan.all(axis) else: nan_error = isnan.any(axis) if (isinstance(nan_error, bool) and nan_error) or nan_error.any(): _log.warning("Array contains NaN-value.") if check_shape: shape = ary.shape if shape_kwargs is None: shape_kwargs = {} min_chains = shape_kwargs.get("min_chains", 2) min_draws = shape_kwargs.get("min_draws", 4) error_msg = f"Shape validation failed: input_shape: {shape}, " error_msg += f"minimum_shape: (chains={min_chains}, draws={min_draws})" chain_error = ((min_chains > 1) and (len(shape) < 2)) or (shape[0] < min_chains) draw_error = ((len(shape) < 2) and (shape[0] < min_draws)) or ( (len(shape) > 1) and (shape[1] < min_draws) ) if chain_error or draw_error: _log.warning(error_msg) return nan_error | chain_error | draw_error def get_log_likelihood(idata, var_name=None): """Retrieve the log likelihood dataarray of a given variable.""" if ( not hasattr(idata, "log_likelihood") and hasattr(idata, "sample_stats") and hasattr(idata.sample_stats, "log_likelihood") ): warnings.warn( "Storing the log_likelihood in sample_stats groups has been deprecated", DeprecationWarning, ) return idata.sample_stats.log_likelihood if not hasattr(idata, "log_likelihood"): raise TypeError("log likelihood not found in inference data object") if var_name is None: var_names = list(idata.log_likelihood.data_vars) if len(var_names) > 1: raise TypeError( f"Found several log likelihood arrays {var_names}, var_name cannot be None" ) return idata.log_likelihood[var_names[0]] else: try: log_likelihood = idata.log_likelihood[var_name] except KeyError as err: raise TypeError(f"No log likelihood data named {var_name} found") from err return log_likelihood BASE_FMT = """Computed from {{n_samples}} by {{n_points}} log-likelihood matrix {{0:{0}}} Estimate SE {{scale}}_{{kind}} {{1:8.2f}} {{2:7.2f}} p_{{kind:{1}}} {{3:8.2f}} -""" POINTWISE_LOO_FMT = """------ Pareto k diagnostic values: {{0:>{0}}} {{1:>6}} (-Inf, 0.5] (good) {{2:{0}d}} {{6:6.1f}}% (0.5, 0.7] (ok) {{3:{0}d}} {{7:6.1f}}% (0.7, 1] (bad) {{4:{0}d}} {{8:6.1f}}% (1, Inf) (very bad) {{5:{0}d}} {{9:6.1f}}% """ SCALE_DICT = {"deviance": "deviance", "log": "elpd", "negative_log": "-elpd"} class ELPDData(pd.Series): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors """Class to contain the data from elpd information criterion like waic or loo.""" def __str__(self): """Print elpd data in a user friendly way.""" kind = self.index[0] if kind not in ("loo", "waic"): raise ValueError("Invalid ELPDData object") scale_str = SCALE_DICT[self[f"{kind}_scale"]] padding = len(scale_str) + len(kind) + 1 base = BASE_FMT.format(padding, padding - 2) base = base.format( "", kind=kind, scale=scale_str, n_samples=self.n_samples, n_points=self.n_data_points, *self.values, ) if self.warning: base += "\n\nThere has been a warning during the calculation. Please check the results." if kind == "loo" and "pareto_k" in self: bins = np.asarray([-np.Inf, 0.5, 0.7, 1, np.Inf]) counts, *_ = _histogram(self.pareto_k.values, bins) extended = POINTWISE_LOO_FMT.format(max(4, len(str(np.max(counts))))) extended = extended.format( "Count", "Pct.", *[*counts, *(counts / np.sum(counts) * 100)] ) base = "\n".join([base, extended]) return base def __repr__(self): """Alias to ``__str__``.""" return self.__str__() def copy(self, deep=True): """Perform a pandas deep copy of the ELPDData plus a copy of the stored data.""" copied_obj = pd.Series.copy(self) for key in copied_obj.keys(): if deep: copied_obj[key] = _deepcopy(copied_obj[key]) else: copied_obj[key] = _copy(copied_obj[key]) return ELPDData(copied_obj) @conditional_jit def stats_variance_1d(data, ddof=0): a_a, b_b = 0, 0 for i in data: a_a = a_a + i b_b = b_b + i * i var = b_b / (len(data)) - ((a_a / (len(data))) ** 2) var = var * (len(data) / (len(data) - ddof)) return var def stats_variance_2d(data, ddof=0, axis=1): if data.ndim == 1: return stats_variance_1d(data, ddof=ddof) a_a, b_b = data.shape if axis == 1: var = np.zeros(a_a) for i in range(a_a): var[i] = stats_variance_1d(data[i], ddof=ddof) return var else: var = np.zeros(b_b) for i in range(b_b): var[i] = stats_variance_1d(data[:, i], ddof=ddof) return var @conditional_vect def _sqrt(a_a, b_b): return (a_a + b_b) ** 0.5 def _circfunc(samples, high, low, skipna): samples = np.asarray(samples) if skipna: samples = samples[~np.isnan(samples)] if samples.size == 0: return np.nan return _angle(samples, low, high, np.pi) @conditional_vect def _angle(samples, low, high, p_i=np.pi): ang = (samples - low) * 2.0 * p_i / (high - low) return ang def _circular_standard_deviation(samples, high=2 * np.pi, low=0, skipna=False, axis=None): ang = _circfunc(samples, high, low, skipna) s_s = np.sin(ang).mean(axis=axis) c_c = np.cos(ang).mean(axis=axis) r_r = np.hypot(s_s, c_c) return ((high - low) / 2.0 / np.pi) * np.sqrt(-2 * np.log(r_r)) def smooth_data(obs_vals, pp_vals): """Smooth data, helper function for discrete data in plot_pbv, loo_pit and plot_loo_pit.""" x = np.linspace(0, 1, len(obs_vals)) csi = CubicSpline(x, obs_vals) obs_vals = csi(np.linspace(0.01, 0.99, len(obs_vals))) x = np.linspace(0, 1, pp_vals.shape[1]) csi = CubicSpline(x, pp_vals, axis=1) pp_vals = csi(np.linspace(0.01, 0.99, pp_vals.shape[1])) return obs_vals, pp_vals