# Plotting backends ArviZ supports multiple backends. While adding another backend, please ensure you meet the following design patterns. ## Code Separation Each backend should be placed in a different module per the backend. See `arviz.plots.backends` for examples. The code in the root level of `arviz.plots` should not contain any opinion on backend. The idea is that the root level plotting function performs math and constructs keywords, and the backends code in `arviz.plots.backends` perform the backend specific keyword argument defaulting and plot behavior. The convenience function `get_plotting_function` available in `arviz.plots.plot_utils.get_plotting_function` should be called to obtain the correct plotting function from the associated backend. If adding a new backend follow the pattern provided to programmatically call the correct backend. ## Test Separation Tests for each backend should be split into their own module See [tests.test_plots_matplotlib](https://github.com/arviz-devs/arviz/blob/main/arviz/tests/base_tests/test_plots_matplotlib.py) for an example. ## Gallery Examples Gallery examples are not required but encouraged. Examples are compiled into the ArviZ documentation website. The [examples](https://github.com/arviz-devs/arviz/tree/main/examples) directory can be found in the root of the ArviZ git repository.